back in the days..

I was going through some of my old photos...I was surprised to see some people and wondered if they are still alive. I am sure some of have memories and experiences you would want us to share. I still keep on searching for the truth... but I know not where it lies.. Up, down and all around me everything remains the same.
That looks like one of the crazy nights in Oasis before it went down. Those are some of the best days of my life.. Leaving fast, really fast.
I remember the heady nights, testosterone fuelled exhilaration, surge of the addiction of youth, quest for fast love, forecasted sometimes fulfilled but always forayed for.
Those were the days bruv! When I see such photos and reminisce on those days, a profound sense of nostalgia overcomes me. But being the restless souls that we are, I find that at each stage of this journey called life, I think I've found the perfect place, only to find myself on the road again....and I can't look back. So, I've got to go on. I'll not append my name to this because you know who I am and I know who you are.
Well put. wander lust they say. i always wonder what i would have done differently then and the answer is always nothing!! Maybe i should have stepped up more frequently to the svelte bodies swaying in Sams! Its funny cause i am sure in some years we will be sitting on some sun soaked beach laughing at the sky and saying it was all worth it. What would i give for a herbivores basted hindquarter now?
@shocking liver. Can tell you miss all that. At the end of all this, life is about vanity. We ll never have enough of it and its all in the past.
@anon you forever will be restless, as long you are ambitious. You could walk back in time and will always be on the road. Every city you go will have some h...
Is it party nite tonight or what? As long as it makes you happy then i am happy too. Its too short a life to even contemplate on the negative. I think it is ultimately atruistic when i say if i seek what makes me happy then ultimately those around me will be happy and that is for the greater good. Wind in my sails
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To be young was so much the Oasis, we sank in mirages of memory
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